And it totally freaked him out!
- Why?
- Totally.
Well, he felt all threatened
and he thought he was a bad lover.
Maybe she shouldn't
have waited so long.
- You know, after an year...
- Well, yeah, but,
men are so easily offended!
Oh, what, more than women, you think?
- Oh, definitely on that subject!
- You think so?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, maybe it's because, you know...
Men are...
easier to...
you know,
... to please.
- Well, I don't know...
- Yeah, they are, they definitely...
Anyway, this friend of mine,
she was telling me that,
next time she dates another man,
she's gonna make
a little questionnaire,
about what they like and dislike,
for the event...
Like written down, or out loud?
Yeah, yeah, written down,
mostly written down.
But it wouldn't be just...
you know, yes or no,
it would be a little more
complex than that.
Like for example, if the question is:
"Are you into S and M?"
The answer could be "No, but..."
"... a good spanking
once in a while, doesn't hurt."
- Right?
- Right. Or like:
"Do you like talking dirty in bed?"
That kind of thing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but not just like...
any dirty talk.
Just like: "What specific word
would you like to hear?"
- You know, like...
- What, me?
Well, yeah.
Like, for example, like what specific
word would you like to hear?
I don't know...
What do you feel about
the word "Pussy"?
I... love it.
It's amazing what...
perverts we've become
in the past 9 years.
I know, I know.
Well, at least now we
don't have to pretend that
each new sexual experience is
like a life altering event.
I know, by now, you know
you've stuck it in so many places,
it's like, about to fall off.
I mean, you know,
I can't realistically
expect you to have become
anything but a total hole, at this point.
Yeah, thank you.
No, I'm sor...
That's true, what can you do?
What can you do...
What kind of songs do you write?
- I didn't know you did that.
- What kind?
- Yeah, sure.
- I don't know, just songs.
Like some are, you know, people,
Uhm, relationships...
one's about my cat!
Sing one!
- Just...
- No, I can't, I don't have a guitar.
Come on, acapella.
No, no, no, I'm not singing
a song without a guitar, you're nuts!
Why not?