- You know, like...
- What, me?
Well, yeah.
Like, for example, like what specific
word would you like to hear?
I don't know...
What do you feel about
the word "Pussy"?
I... love it.
It's amazing what...
perverts we've become
in the past 9 years.
I know, I know.
Well, at least now we
don't have to pretend that
each new sexual experience is
like a life altering event.
I know, by now, you know
you've stuck it in so many places,
it's like, about to fall off.
I mean, you know,
I can't realistically
expect you to have become
anything but a total hole, at this point.
Yeah, thank you.
No, I'm sor...
That's true, what can you do?
What can you do...
What kind of songs do you write?
- I didn't know you did that.
- What kind?
- Yeah, sure.
- I don't know, just songs.
Like some are, you know, people,
Uhm, relationships...
one's about my cat!
Sing one!
- Just...
- No, I can't, I don't have a guitar.
Come on, acapella.
No, no, no, I'm not singing
a song without a guitar, you're nuts!
Why not?
Oh, ok, not now.
If not now, when?
You want to meet here
in six months, with a guitar?
You know, I'll fly all they way over here,
you may or may not make the metro...
Ok, that's...
that's funny.
We've got to get going
back to the bookstore!
You'll miss your flight.
Come on, let's go!
- All right, all right.
- We can walk down La Sennes.
It's a nice thing.
So, you're flying back to New York?
Yeah, yeah.
So I read in that article that
you're married, with a kid.
That's great!
Yeah, he's... he's...
He's 4.
Uhum, what's his name?
Little Hen,
he's so much fun.
Oh, wow,
I'm sure!
And, your wife,
what does she do?
She teaches elementary school.
Do you have kids?
Yes, two.
Hih, shit!
- What?
- I left them in the car!
With the windows up,
it was 6 months ago...
No, I'm kidding...
No, but... I want to have kids someday,
I'm just not ready, yet.
Yeah, I'm in a good relationship, though.
- Oh, yeah? That's good.
- Yeah.
What's he do?
He's a photo journalist,
he does war coverage.