Before Sunset

Yes, is this Philippe?
Yeah, Philippe, this is Jesse Wallace...
Listen, I'm...
I'm on one of those
boats, right?

And we're gonna arrive at...
Henry Four... four,
Henry Four, you know that is?

All right, gre...
And you have my bags, right?

Yeah, so will be there in...
I don't know, it's the next stop.

Ok, au revoir.
- Ok?
- Yeah, yeah.

Oh, wow!
Notre Dame...
check that out!

I heard this story once,
about when the...

the Germans were occupying Paris
and they had to retreat back,

they wired Notre Dame to blow.
But they had to...
they had to leave one guy
in charge of hitting the switch.

And the guy, the soldier, he...
he couldn't do it!
You know, he just sat
there, knocked out

by how beautiful the place was.
And then, when the allied
troops came in,

they found all the explosives
just lying there...

and the switch unturned.
And they found the same thing at...

Saicre Coeur...
Eiffel Tower...
a couple of other places,
I think.

Is that true?
I don't know...
I always liked that story, though.
Yeah, that's a great story.
Did you have to think that
Notre Dame will be gone one day...

There used to be another church
or cathedral, at the same...

right there.
- What, right in the same spot?
- Yeah.

Yeah, this is great,
I've never done this!

I forget about how beautiful Paris was.
It's not so bad being
a tourist, you know.

Thank you for getting
me on the boat.

Well, you're welcome.
You know, I think that
book that I wrote,

in a way, was like
building something.

So that I wouldn't forget the details
of the time that we spent together.

You know, like just a reminder that...
that once we really did meet,
you know, that this was real,

this happened.
And, how can you say that? Because...
I mean, I always feel like a freak
because I'm never able to move on like...

...this! You know.
People just have an affaire, or
even... entire relationships...
