Uhm, c'est bon?
Pouvons-nous entrer?
- Deux tickettes, s'il vous plait!
- No, I'll get it, I'll get it.
- Non, non, c'est bon!
- All right, all right, all right.
C'est qu'il s'arette du prochain arette?
So, you're in love with that guy?
What guy?
the war photographer.
Of course.
I'm sorry, do you...
do you have that cell phone?
Oh, yeah.
All right, what do I tell him?
Tell him to pick you up at
"Quai Henry IV"
Oh, shit.
At "Que..."
Henry quatre
Quai Henry IV
What's wrong with you?
No, do you want me to...
Henry quatre.
Henry four?
Come on, why didn't you says so?
I'm sorry!
Yes, is this Philippe?
Yeah, Philippe, this is Jesse Wallace...
Listen, I'm...
I'm on one of those
boats, right?
And we're gonna arrive at...
Henry Four... four,
Henry Four, you know that is?
All right, gre...
And you have my bags, right?
Yeah, so will be there in...
I don't know, it's the next stop.
Ok, au revoir.
- Ok?
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh, wow!
Notre Dame...
check that out!
I heard this story once,
about when the...
the Germans were occupying Paris
and they had to retreat back,
they wired Notre Dame to blow.
But they had to...
they had to leave one guy
in charge of hitting the switch.
And the guy, the soldier, he...
he couldn't do it!
You know, he just sat
there, knocked out
by how beautiful the place was.
And then, when the allied
troops came in,
they found all the explosives
just lying there...