Beyond the Sea

# Bing-bang, I saw the whole gang
# Dancing on my living room rug, yep
# Flip flop, they were doing the bop...
Ma, get away, I can't see.
What's that on his head?
# Miss Molly was even there too...
- What is it?
- It's a toupee. One of those.

# I was a splishin' and a splashin'
# I was a rollin' and a strollin'
# Yeah, I was a movin' and a groovin'
I was a teen idol for about a minute and a half,
but Mama's plan was to be bigger than Sinatra.
I wanted to do the great standards,
but my producer thought
I was nuts to turn my back on rock'n'roll.

Teenagers aren't going to buy an album
of you doing standards.

Ahmet, how do you know
what teenagers will buy?

What, you got a crystal ball back there?
I know you don't change your image
when you're hot like this.

You know what? I don't want teenagers
to be my only audience, so that's perfect.

Why can't you be satisfied?
You just did Bandstand!

Bandstand's mostly for kids.
Ahmet, I want the Copa.

With rock'n'roll,
I'm like a thousand other guys out there.

I gotta prove I can sing. I want it all.
I want the major leagues.
I want nightclubs, Vegas, movies, TV.

This album will make it happen all fast.
You don't have to prove anything.
You're a star already.

- Is that what you think, Ahmet?
- Of course!

Hang on a second. Hey, kid! Hang on a second.
- Kid! Kid!
- I don't have time for this, Bobby.

- What's up?
- I've a question. Will you do me a favour?

- Will you look at me?
- What?

Just look at me.
Do you know me?
- What?
- Do you recognise me?

- What are you talking about?
- Do I look familiar to you?

No. You don't. I don't know you.
Leave me alone, crazy bastard.
I got things to do.

Thanks, pal.
Ahmet, when the delivery guy
knows me, then I'm a star.

# They found little Annie all covered with ice
