How about the President?
You know who that is.
Who's in the White House right now?
An asshole.
I think somebody here
wants to talk about vampires.
For everyone else,
it's kind of silly.
I had a set of wax teeth
when I was seven years old.
It was fun.
I could be somebody else.
But I want to hear you
talk about vampires.
What can you tell me about them?
They exist.
Are you one of them?
the scariest monster of all...
...is the one in the mirror.
Tell me about blood.
When you drink blood,
do you ever feel sexually aroused?
Just strikes me
that this business of vampirism
has a very strong element
of sexual confusion.
Nuzzling into someone's neck.
A nocturnal visit.
It promises a...
delicious physical intimacy.
The very sweet taste of saliva...
mixed with skin.
Sounds good to me.
Where's it come from?
That's what I wanna know.
And I'm starting to wonder what your
relationship with your mother was like.
Were the two of you very close?
He's psychotic.
No shit.
For his safety and for the public's,
I'm recommending that he be transferred
immediately to County Psychiatric--
Fuck that!
That man is my prisoner.
He's wanted in connection
with a laundry list of federal crimes.
Hold on, gentlemen.
We're in my jurisdiction now.
You got a problem with that,
you talk to the local magistrate.
- That man is my prisoner!
- The call has already been made.
Don't fuck with my thing!
There's a team from the hospital
effecting the transfer immediately.
You're supposed to be
working with us on this, Chief.
Not this time.
This is just a little something
to keep you compliant.
The usual dose for this sort of thing
is two, three hundred milligrams,
but I think with a big,
strapping hybrid like yourself,
I'll kick it up to a couple thousand.
You don't have a problem
with needles, do ya?