[ Echoing ]
Gus, come help me!
[ Beeps ]
[ Rumbling ]
- You know Planet of the Apes?
- Mm-hmm.
l was in that movie.
- l love that movie!
- [ Kissing ]
Whoa! That's fresh!
- What'd you do?
- l don't know. l just stepped on this dude's eye.
These numbers match the ones
all over the wall.
They're safety deposit boxes.
l bet you
if we press one--
[ Sighs ]
My mom's gonna kill me.
[ Maddy ]
Retract 3 2 1 2.
Hit 23 57.
[ Box Slides Open ]
[ Giggles ]
[ Muffled Moan ]
That's right.
Come to mama.
[ Laughing ] Oh, yeah!
[ Knocking On Door ]
[ Screams ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Mr. Hart--
- [ Gasps ]
- And that concludes
our tour of the ninth floor.
Let's get you
back to the party.
- Stockholders.
- Huh.