Chasing Liberty

-l'm sorry l am late...

...but the guards outside
took turns to search me.

-Gabrielle, you're all grown up.
-lt happens.

-What's that in your mouth, candy?
-No, it's pierced.

-You like it?

Remind me to commission
a study and find out...

...why on Earth anyone wants
to pierce their tongue.

l'll save your country's money.
See, some guys think it makes for better--

Gabrielle, let's go mingle over here.
She's a nice girl.
-Wonder what else she has pierced.
-Oh, relax, Jim.

-How should l relax?
-Set up an embargo. You love those.

Have you been smoking?
l had a cigar with the prime minister.
lt's rude if you don't.

l love champagne.
Yes, and 1 8 is okay in Europe, so....
l don't believe they're still following you.
Go away, men with guns.

lt's no good. l've tried.
Even in English, they don't get it.

l don't know how you stand it. l got rid
of my babysitters when l was, like, 1 4.

Yeah, l'm afraid it doesn't work
like that in the ''land of the free.''

Thank God Gabrielle found another
trashy friend to hang out with.

Yes. Your daughter.
