l love champagne.
Yes, and 1 8 is okay in Europe, so....
l don't believe they're still following you.
Go away, men with guns.
lt's no good. l've tried.
Even in English, they don't get it.
l don't know how you stand it. l got rid
of my babysitters when l was, like, 1 4.
Yeah, l'm afraid it doesn't work
like that in the ''land of the free.''
Thank God Gabrielle found another
trashy friend to hang out with.
Yes. Your daughter.
Bye, Mom. And thank you
so much again, Dad. Bye.
See? He loved the hair.
Little change in plans, Mr. President?
Oh, you two have been
with me a long time.
We spend the day at the Love Parade
and then we go to my friend's club.
lt's the hottest place in the whole city.
That's okay.
-Are you okay?
What a great idea, to change my hair.
lt's perfect.
-Yes, l told you.
-No one knows who l am.
-You get jet lag, Morales?
-Really? l get it awful.
-l take herbs.
-Really? Why?
-They help reset your clock.
l'd like to reset your clock.
l'm just saying.
-Gabby, l am so excited. l feel so free.
-You're going to love it.