Chasing Liberty


My first customer.
The other gondolieri, they put me here,
but nobody visit.

l tell them, ''Nobody come to my bridge.''
They say, ''Somebody will, Eugenio.''

And now you are here.
We don't have any money.
-Well, then, l'm sorry.
-But, sir, we're newlyweds.

-Right? Right, honey?
-That's right, sweetums.

Precious, l just love it
when you call me that.

Your love, it's beautiful.
-No money, no ride.
-Sir, please.

We were married
against my parents' wishes.

-We tried to stay apart, but it was no good.
-Exactly, because l would rather die...

...than live another day
without my lover man.

We have nothing but we have everything.
We've come so far
on only the currency of young love.

lf sweet stories could buy pasta,
you'd be very fat by now.

Thank you.
All right. Yes.
For you, the canals are free tonight.
My first cliente.

-Mama will be so proud!
-On second thought....

After you, darling.
Let me remember.
Where does this go?

Just kidding!
My first joke with my first customer.
We did good, huh?
l was a little worried when you went
to ''the currency of young love.''
