We have nothing but we have everything.
We've come so far
on only the currency of young love.
lf sweet stories could buy pasta,
you'd be very fat by now.
Thank you.
All right. Yes.
For you, the canals are free tonight.
My first cliente.
-Mama will be so proud!
-On second thought....
After you, darling.
Let me remember.
Where does this go?
Just kidding!
My first joke with my first customer.
We did good, huh?
l was a little worried when you went
to ''the currency of young love.''
But apart from that,
you were fairly magnificent.
-Thank you.
You know, l just married you,
but l know nothing about you.
There's not much to know.
Okay. Ben Calder, 23 years old.
Born in Wales and then moved to London
with my mother when she left my father.
My father...
...was always at work. Never at home.
My mother wanted him
to make the big gesture.
What's the big gesture?
You know, ''l'll quit for you.
l'll stay home for you, darling.''
But he didn't.
Because.... Well, people don't
really do that, do they?