We hired a deejay for the Cancer Ball.
-Hi, Aubie.
Mrs. Krank, we forgot to talk about
your Christmas invitations.
We won't be needing those, either.
-No party?
-No Christmas Eve party?
No party this year.
She's not ordering Christmas cards either.
What's up?
taking a break.
We're not gonna do Christmas this year.
-How do you simply not do Christmas?
-You skip it.
But then what do we do Christmas Eve?
You'll think of something.
There are plenty of other parties.
But none like yours.
That's sweet.
-When do you leave?
-Christmas day.
That's an odd time to travel.
Apparently, not that many people travel
on December 25th...
and so Luther got us a great deal.
Then why don't you have the party anyway?
Because we don't want to, Merry.
We're taking a break.
One year off, no Christmas whatsoever.
-What do we do?
-I don't know.
Mr. Krank, I'm Randy Scanlon.
We're selling Christmas trees again
this year.
Got yours right here.
You got a Canadian blue spruce last year.
This one's a real beauty. Almost 10 feet tall.
Mrs. Krank likes the big ones.
Aren't they cute?
-How much is the big one?
-$90. We had to go up a little.
We're not buying a Christmas tree this year.