I will buy no gifts and accept none.
Thank you, anyway.
I will not attend
the firm's black-tie Christmas dinner...
nor will I be here for the office party.
I am not angry and I will not yell...
"humbug" at anyone who offers me
a holiday greeting.
I am simply skipping Christmas.
-Hello, Mrs. Krank.
-Hello, Aubie, how are you?
I'm just a little worried
about your Christmas cards.
Why are you worried?
You always select the most beautiful cards.
You really should put your order in.
We're not gonna be ordering
Christmas cards this year.
-Do what?
-You heard me.
May I ask why not?
You know, I'm really quite late for lunch.
Bye-bye. Say hi to your mom.
But we always have
a live band at the auction.
Yeah, but last year, the band cost $15,000.
We hired a deejay for the Cancer Ball.
-Hi, Aubie.
Mrs. Krank, we forgot to talk about
your Christmas invitations.
We won't be needing those, either.
-No party?
-No Christmas Eve party?
No party this year.
She's not ordering Christmas cards either.
What's up?
taking a break.
We're not gonna do Christmas this year.
-How do you simply not do Christmas?
-You skip it.
But then what do we do Christmas Eve?
You'll think of something.
There are plenty of other parties.
But none like yours.
That's sweet.
-When do you leave?
-Christmas day.
That's an odd time to travel.
Apparently, not that many people travel
on December 25th...
and so Luther got us a great deal.