One, two! One, two, three, four!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!
- Solid.
Play "Margaritaville. "
Excuse me?.
Play "Margaritaville. "
I love that song.
Darlin', I think you're referrin'
to my song "Pina Coladaburg. "
No, "Margaritaville. '"
I think you mean "Pina Coladaburg. "
A little song I wrote
seven and a halffucking years...
before "Margaritaville"
was even on the map!
Of course,
you wouldn't know that 'cause...
you weren't even born yet!
Come on, hog shell. Let's get us a drink.
- I don't need this shit.
- Come on, man.
Fuck that guy!
Son of a son of a bitch!
- God!
- Sorry.
Give me a heads-up
before you do that.
It's just a habit. I could see
how tight you were from a mile away.
What can I say?.
Some girls are just tighter than others.
Uh- So, uh, I guess
I'm talkin' to a celebrity.
I heard you got your own fitness show?.
Uh, yeah. Amy Aerobics
accidentally ate some rat poison.
It was awful.
But I'm still really psyched.
I've been waiting a long time for this.
- That's great.
- Hey,Jen.
I will be glad to never
have to do this again.