Comme une image

I thought you were behind us
Is she with you?
So many pretty girls
- Go dance with Karine?
- No

This tonight's mood?
We thought you were already inside

How could we guess
you stopped to make a call?

- Here
- What's this?

"Daddy Schubert"?
- The tape you asked me for
- I asked for?

No, give it to me.
Remind me what it is

You wanted to hear me sing,
there's my tape

Oh, fine. Give it to me
- Sorry, you didn't say a tape
- Of course I did

How are you?
- Come dance
- I don't feel like it

I have a headache
Shit, my jacket!
Such a disappointing film
Cassard must've freaked.
Nothing left of his book

That beautiful moment. She's backstage,
and she sees a singer
who's rehearsing

It's totally lost
- Cassard doesn't care
- Don't bet on it

Wouldn't you, if they made your book
into an idiotic tearjerker?

That would mean
at least it got some interest

I'm no longer a writer
I took Nicolas to his mom's.
She gave me a form

I'm ashamed
Next time, under profession,
I'll put "kept man."

"Writer" goes under "hobbies"
