Comme une image

How are you?
- Come dance
- I don't feel like it

I have a headache
Shit, my jacket!
Such a disappointing film
Cassard must've freaked.
Nothing left of his book

That beautiful moment. She's backstage,
and she sees a singer
who's rehearsing

It's totally lost
- Cassard doesn't care
- Don't bet on it

Wouldn't you, if they made your book
into an idiotic tearjerker?

That would mean
at least it got some interest

I'm no longer a writer
I took Nicolas to his mom's.
She gave me a form

I'm ashamed
Next time, under profession,
I'll put "kept man."

"Writer" goes under "hobbies"
You know that's ridiculous
No, I'm not being ridiculous
I'm being lucid

Stop it
You always do this dark,
defeatist number

Maybe if you'd written 15 books
You wrote two. So come on

And those two books exist
You got great reviews

- One. One good review
- No, not just one

lots of people like your writing

- Now a 3rd book. Things look good
- You think it stinks

- You think it stinks
- I think it stinks?

Did I ever say that?
I said the tone was lighter
You twist things around

I think it stinks...
Want me to reiterate my admiration?
Nice, talking to a panda now and then
The Paris book, they told FĂ©lix no
