Nice to meet you
Before I forget
Could you give this to your father?
The Spanish article about him
- Want to dance?
- No I'm going
No? Come on, dance
No, thanks. Really
Sure, sure, but not just that
There's the money,
but also the promotion...
The prizes
The prizes.
Stay with her, you have no chance
Which really sucks, by the way,
but it's true
No one stays with a first publisher,
except for...
You'll lose your queen
What did I say?
Can't you shut up?
If you watch, watch in silence
Don't make comments!
I'll lose my queen...
Yeah, looks like it
What have I done?
I need to buy a new brain
One hasty move
I'm losing thousands of neurons.
I'm going downhill
I can't stand losing at chess
I'm going downhill
I can't write one line
When I write, it's garbage
You always say that. Who won?
He did. He won
He can't stand losing at chess
I just told him
Poor sweetums
Getting consoled is
even more humiliating. Stop