Why doesn't your mother like me?
She likes you.
She just thinks you're
a little strange.
I mean, you are, a little.
Lola, I'm sorry!
It's really your mother
she thinks is strange.
My mom saw your mother
in the supermarket
wearing dirty overalls
with chopsticks in her hair
and arguing with the butcher.
It's not important.
Not important?
She's the woman
who gave me life.
Whose milk fed my fragile body.
Whose blood flows
through my veins.
Of course it's important.
My parents are square.
Neither of them is too happy
about the fact
that your mother has three
children and no husband.
Single motherhood
is a transitory state.
Karen used to be married.
It could happen again.
But I thought you said
you were a love child.
Well, I was a love child.
Mom and Dad were married
and passionately in love.
My parents were mad for each
other as soon as their eyes met.
Dad was like a rock star.
Mom was a babe.
The rest was destiny.
They got married.
And then they camped in the
desert and counted the stars.
One million and three.
One million and four.
Jeez. My parents went
on a cruise to Bermuda,
but they were afraid
to get off the boat.
Mine were in love.
Deeply, movingly.
The only thing that could have
made their lives better
was having me.
Even as an infant
I aspired to have a relationship
just like theirs.
And then the twins
were conceived,
and we couldn't have been
more thrilled.
Upon hearing the news,
my father mounted
his really cool motorcycle
to buy the mother of his child
and future children
her favorite flowers.