Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

I didn't know "Pygmalion"
had already been cast.

I would have loved to be
Eliza Doolittle.

Maybe if I could
just prove it to you now.

Oh, no, no, Lola.
I just put the notice up
on the board.

Auditions are not until Friday.
Thank you, Miss Baggoli.
George Bernard Shaw
is a great playwright.

And he's also a vegetarian.
You're just in time, Lola.
I'm telling all the others
about this idea that I have had

for our production
of "Pygmalion."

Now, as you know,
"Pygmalion" is a play

which takes place
in old-timey London.

My idea is that we will set
our production of "Pygmalion"

in modern-day New York.
And Eliza will be a checkout
girl at a supermarket,

And Professor Higgins will be
a professor at NYU.

That is such a brilliant idea.
That's gonna give
the play new resonance

and immediacy for today.
You mean it was your idea?
Yes, Lola, it's my idea.
I know I'm just a teacher,
but I am capable of thought.

Now, since we're going hip
and modern,

I have also added
contemporary songs.

And I am calling it
"Eliza Rocks"!

Now, each of you will be singing
a song for me of your choice,

and then you'll be reading
a scene for me.

But I haven't rehearsed
a song or anything.

I'm simply not prepared.
That's fine.
You can just wing it.
But acting is my chosen career.
I mean,
I intend to be in theater.

I don't want anyone remembering
a substandard audition.

Then how are we to proceed?
I guess I'll try, of course.
