for the rest of your life,
and me, too!
I guess it depends, doesn't it?
Depends on what?
Well, on whether we go.
To the concert?
In New York?
And the party.
We haven't exactly been invited.
You don't have to be invited
to a party like that.
There are people
in New York that don't go out
unless it's to crash
a celebrity bash.
My mother would never let me go.
We can work around
your mother, Ella.
Tell the truth.
Are you partially insane?
You know, we have to go.
It's a matter of pride.
Is there something wrong
with the salmon?
No, just not very hungry.
In too much pain.
I'm in pain, too.
My tooth's coming out.
It's not that kind of pain.
It's pain of the heart.
Sidarthur's broken up.
They're having one last concert
in New York.
That's it.
They're done.
Good night, sweet princes.
May choirs of rock angels
sing you to sleep.
I have no reason
to live without them.
Let me take a wild guess.
You want to go to the concert.
If I could just see them
play live.
I'd have the memory
to carry me through
the long, empty years that lie
ahead, like a road in Kansas.
Okay, I don't think
that kids and rock concerts
are a great mix.
How can you treat me like this?
I was your firstborn.
You leaned over my crib
to make sure I was breathing.
That's why I want to
keep you alive.
She wouldn't even stop for the
tiniest, most subatomic second
to consider
my fragile hopes and dreams.
What did Ella's mother say?
She didn't ask her.
She said her mom would
bite off a $10 acrylic nail
if she even brought it up.
So I guess that's that.
No, I'm not exactly a
"que serĂ¡, serĂ¡" kind of person.
I like your necklace.
I've had it since I was 6.
It's practically an antique.
I like your boots.
I like your smile.