I would appreciate it
if you would just stop talking.
Ella, come on.
What's going on?
Arrest that man!
He's a stalker.
Ella, Dad.
Dad, Ella.
I'm Calum Steppe, her father.
What happened?
That's what I've been asking.
As the night continued
to fall on the dark,
heartless streets
around the precinct,
the six of us gathered
around the sergeant,
and I told our tale.
We were desperate to get
into this man's concert
because I consider him to be the
greatest poet since Shakespeare.
We lost our money,
and we couldn't pay a scalper.
Then we tried to crash his party
rather than have our dreams
forever denied.
When he stormed out of his loft,
we followed him to make sure
he didn't come into any harm.
I'm having memory flashes.
I was passed out
amongst the rubbish.
I believe they helped me.
I know I should be furious,
but it's too late for fury.
I'm just thankful
nothing worse happened.
He looks like the dog
in "The Dog Years."
He is the dog
in "The Dog Years."
He's the dog in "The Dog Years"?
My niece loves those books.
-You're famous!
-He's not as famous as you.
Molly's not gonna believe
I've actually met you.
Negus, right?
And Calum Steppe, right?
We checked your story,
and you're free to go.
-Excuse me, Mr. Wolff?
Can I have your autograph?
Oh, yeah, sure.
To Sergeant Rose.
Stu Wolff.
Right, well,
now that that's settled,
would anyone like to come
to a party with me?
I would.
You can't stay mad
at me forever.
Forgive me, please?
I am in no way ready
to forgive you.
This is the party
of the century.
Don't you want to enjoy it?
I'm not really
in a partying mood.
Look, I'm sorry.
I really am.
I'm sorry.