He's the dog in "The Dog Years"?
My niece loves those books.
-You're famous!
-He's not as famous as you.
Molly's not gonna believe
I've actually met you.
Negus, right?
And Calum Steppe, right?
We checked your story,
and you're free to go.
-Excuse me, Mr. Wolff?
Can I have your autograph?
Oh, yeah, sure.
To Sergeant Rose.
Stu Wolff.
Right, well,
now that that's settled,
would anyone like to come
to a party with me?
I would.
You can't stay mad
at me forever.
Forgive me, please?
I am in no way ready
to forgive you.
This is the party
of the century.
Don't you want to enjoy it?
I'm not really
in a partying mood.
Look, I'm sorry.
I really am.
I'm sorry.
You're just saying that
to save the evening.
No, I'm not.
I honestly don't know
what I'd do without you.
What's going on?
Why are you still out here?
We just don't feel like
going in right now.
Well, then.
Let me get you
back to the hotel.
Maybe we can just go in
for a little while.
There you are!
All right.
Listen, how about we get
you guys something dry to wear?
I'll have those dresses cleaned
and sent over to your dad's,
who is brilliant, by the way.
I think he and l
are gonna be pals.
Yeah, I bought all his books.
Just upstairs.
I don't see her, do you?