The guy is pretty good.
Beat my high score.
Seratonine metabolate levels?
Barely registering.
The guy is a textbook sociopath.
Is it true he stabbed an inmate
in the eye with a screwdriver?
Yes. He goes for the head.
- Increase game difficulty.
- Ok.
Let 's crank it up to mach 5.
- How'd he do with his MMPI?
- Just what you'd expect from...
a guy with antisocial
personality disorder...
...with psychotic tendencies.
- And that 's just for starters.
Your fucking thing is rigged!
You can't hit a thing!
This fucking thing is rigged!
Get the fuck...
Get the fuck...
thing is rigged!
This thing is fucked up!
It 's a broken machine!
Get the fuck outta here!
Fix your fucking machine!
There goes 1O grand.
Take it out of my paycheck.
Nikolai Vertov. 27 years old.