- How'd he do with his MMPI?
- Just what you'd expect from...
a guy with antisocial
personality disorder...
...with psychotic tendencies.
- And that 's just for starters.
Your fucking thing is rigged!
You can't hit a thing!
This fucking thing is rigged!
Get the fuck...
Get the fuck...
thing is rigged!
This thing is fucked up!
It 's a broken machine!
Get the fuck outta here!
Fix your fucking machine!
There goes 1O grand.
Take it out of my paycheck.
Nikolai Vertov. 27 years old.
Do you ever feel bad
about taking his life?
- Bad? I feel really bad.
- You do? Tell me.
If I'd known the motherfucker was
the nephew of a Russian mobster...
I never would've robbed him, let
alone put a bullet through his head.
Manoel Jose Gutierrez.
- You ever been in prison, Doc?
- Let 's not get distracted.
I didn't think so. It 's probably
not what you're exactly used to.
The Russian mobster took a contract
out on me for killing his nephew.
Gutierrez here tried to
cash in on that contract.
I just defended myself.
- You felt justified in...
- I felt fucking justified!
I don't give a fuck if you believe
me or not! That 's what happened.
I got the jump on him,
he's dead, I'm alive.