- What 's he doing?
- Looking for us.
I'd say that Lee Ray just took
the hidden out of hidden camera.
Nightmares again?
Can't give you any more.
Doc said two pills a night, max.
Did you ever try these things?
Nah. Soon as I hit
the bed, I'm out.
My daddy used to say that...
an honest man's pillow
is his peace of mind.
Wanna play cards? It 's gonna take 2O
minutes for these things to kick in.
I'm not supposed to do anything
that could affect your environment.
Winning a hand of cards is
really gonna affect my life!
Come on, I've got this
kick-ass root beer here.
You won't let me have any alcohol,
so I sprang for the good stuff.
All right,
but then I'm out the door.