I keep thinking I'v seen her before...
- What she's in for?
- You're making a mistake.
What the first rule
I taught you about this job?
- Neatness counts?.
- Very funny.
Dont get involved.
...I know, I'm not getting involved okay?
I'm drying.
You have you'r chess,
Owen has his fish, Chickliss...
Can we spend 5 minutes without
bringing up Owen and Chickliss please?
And get us back on real time.
Gonna get us in trouble.
I'll show you three ways to beat that game
if you answer one question.
- Fine. What?
- Okay. See what I wanna know...
Hold it. Show me.
Check Mate.
You win.
Thats Brilliant.
Do that again.
- Do you know about a third exit?
- What?
A third exit.
An auxillary exit that leads
directly outside.
- There's no such thing.
- Owen said there was.