- Fine. What?
- Okay. See what I wanna know...
Hold it. Show me.
Check Mate.
You win.
Thats Brilliant.
Do that again.
- Do you know about a third exit?
- What?
A third exit.
An auxillary exit that leads
directly outside.
- There's no such thing.
- Owen said there was.
- He said Chickliss found plans...
- They were haveing you wrong.
No Way. I think that thats why they're gone.
I think they've found something...
I think you'd better stop
listening to old wives tales.
- Listen to me.
- This conversation in over.
- Dont you ever worry?
- About what?
One day, your gonna wake up inside.
The only way I'm gonna wake up inside,
Is by keep on talking to you.
These things are useless!
The sensors there must been different.
Maybe they're not motion sensors.
Maybe they're triggerd by heat,
or sound, or something...!
Why won't we just admit it?
We're dead!
He cant admit it.
Its the training.
- The army never admits defeat.
- You got a problem with me lady?
- Yeah.
- Why?
I dont trust you.
- Ahh... How the hell did we miss this?
- What is it?