- Cool.
- It's ajoke. He sent it to us as an insult.
Maybe we could sell 'em for cash
cos the car wash cost us money.
- We're further away from saving this place?
- Yes.
- We'll never raise enough money.
- This blows.
Guys, I know this is tough to take,
but if an impromptu car wash
doesn't raise us the $50,000 we need,
I guess itjust isn't in the cards.
Trust me here. If there was any way in
the world we could raise $50,000 in 30 days,
short of robbing a bank, I'd do it.
We could sell blood and semen.
What? Not mixed together.
Guys, I love the enthusiasm,
I love the energy here,
but we're looking at this the wrong way.
Let's celebrate the good times
that was Joe's.
We gotta start looking at this Irish-wake style.
Let me be the first
to say goodbye to Average Joe's.
We gave it a hell of a run, guys.
Now let's try to have some fun.
I'm gonna put on "The Thong Song",
and we'll tear this place apart.
Wait, wait. Peter. Peter.
We could play dodgeball.
That's very nice, Gordon, but everyone's
tired. Playing a game isn't gonna help.
There's a tournament in Las Vegas.
I feel so dumb I didn't think about it before.
I read about
the Las Vegas International Dodgeball Open
every year in Obscure Sports Quarterly.
Of course. That's a totally common thing.
The best part is it's open to any team
that wins a regional qualifying match.
- How is dodgeball gonna get us the $50,000?
- They have a cash prize for the winner.
- How much?
- $50,000.
Guys, we are not gonna get $50,000
for playing dodgeball.
- Why not?
- None of us know how to play dodgeball.
I do. We played it in PE last year.
They showed us this film about it.
- Can you get your hands on that film?
- Sure, I guess.
Can we please try to be serious
here for one second?
You said anything we could do to raise
the money. This is that anything. This is it.