Ûber-American Instructional films,
teaching America's youth since 1938.
Hey, there, Timmy.
Holy mackerel, mister.
You scared the jeepers out of me.
How'd you like to take a break
from that fine lead-based paint,
and learn about dodgeball?
Boy, would I.
- Where am I, mister?
- You're in a Chinese opium den, Timmy.
This is where dodgeball
was invented in the 15th century,
by opium-addicted Chinamen.
Back then, the Chinamen threw
severed human heads at each another
instead of the ADAA-approved balls
we use today.
That's the American Dodgeball
Association of America.
Dodgeball is played with six players
on each team, and six rubber balls.
The object of the game
is to eliminate the opposing players.
Once all the players on one team are
eliminated, the opposing team wins.
Wow. I can't wait
to get the fellas together and play.
Hang on a second there, sport.
- Patches O'Houlihan.
- That's right, Timmy.
Patches O'Houlihan. Seven-time ADAA
All-Star is here to take you the rest of the way.
- Jeepers. Really?
- You betcha, champ.
If you catch a ball that's thrown at you
before it hits the ground,
the player who threw that ball is out,
not you.
Plus, another player from your team
gets to come back into the game.
- It's a two-player swing.
- Thanks, Patches.
I can't wait to start my own team at school.
Attaboy, Tiger.
But remember, dodgeball is a sport
of violence, exclusion and degradation.
So, when you're picking players in gym class,