If you want to pass, turn around,
go back by way of Georgetown.
This place... uh..
it's called Dogville.
Dogville? Well it figures,
it's a stupid name if I ever heard one.
Hey, we're looking for somebody...
Oh, really, who might that be?
My boss wants to talk to ya.
- Young man.
- Yes, sir.
I'm looking for a girl. She may have made
her way to your town in her confusion.
I don't want any harm to come to her.
You see, she's very precious to me.
Well sir, uh..
nobody's been through Dogville recently.
Moses would have barked.
He's very suspicious of strangers.
Ah ha.. That's very wise Moses.
Please take my card and if perhaps..
uh.. you see a stranger,
give me a call.
I am in a position to offer
a considerable reward.
Yes sir. Thank you.
uh.. say was it you that fired those shots?
Well they're gone.
You want to come out now?
You want a cup of coffee
before you go mountain-climbing?
That would be nice.
[Narrator] The beautiful fugitive's name was Grace.
She hadn't chosen Dogville from a map
or sought out the township for a visit,
yet Tom felt right away that she belonged.
Shall I take the bone?