uh.. say was it you that fired those shots?
Well they're gone.
You want to come out now?
You want a cup of coffee
before you go mountain-climbing?
That would be nice.
[Narrator] The beautiful fugitive's name was Grace.
She hadn't chosen Dogville from a map
or sought out the township for a visit,
yet Tom felt right away that she belonged.
Shall I take the bone?
[Narrator] She could have kept
her vulnerability to herself,
but she had elected to give herself up
to him at random.
As.. yes.. a gift.
"Generous, very generous",
thought Tom.
You want to eat?
You must be hungry?
I can't.
I don't deserve that bread!
I stole that bone.
I haven't stolen anything before.
So now, now I have to punish myself.
I was raised to be arrogant,
so I had to teach myself these things.
Well, it may be best for your education...
Grace, in this town in these times...