But, they think it was me that took the money.
'Cause I told them so.
You did what?
First they suspected me, but then
I convinced them that it was you,
since you were the one
using the medicine closet.
Because I'm here to do the thinking for you.
If we are to have the slightest chance
of getting you out of
they can never know how close we really are.
They can't know I'm trying to help you.
If they knew it was me that took the money,
I wouldn't be here talking to you now.
Please don't disappear, Tom.
I need you.
I'll break this one...
with some thinking.
[Narrator] It was not Grace's pride that kept
her going during the days when fall came
and the trees were losing their leaves,
but more of the trance-like state that descends
on animals whose lives are threatened,
a state in which the body reacts mechanically,
in a low, tough gear,
without too much painful reflection.
Like a patient passively letting
his disease hold sway.
And now that Vera had received proof that it was
in fact Chuck who'd forced his attentions on Grace,
she was meaner than ever.
Had Grace had friends in Dogville
they, too, fell like the leaves.
The most towns-people of the male sex now
visited Grace at night to fulfill their sexual needs.