[Narrator] It was not Grace's pride that kept
her going during the days when fall came
and the trees were losing their leaves,
but more of the trance-like state that descends
on animals whose lives are threatened,
a state in which the body reacts mechanically,
in a low, tough gear,
without too much painful reflection.
Like a patient passively letting
his disease hold sway.
And now that Vera had received proof that it was
in fact Chuck who'd forced his attentions on Grace,
she was meaner than ever.
Had Grace had friends in Dogville
they, too, fell like the leaves.
The most towns-people of the male sex now
visited Grace at night to fulfill their sexual needs.
It had occurred to the children
to give the bell an extra ring
every time such an act had been consummated,
much to Martha's confusion.
But since the chain had been attached
things had become easier for everyone:
the harassments in bed did not have to be
kept so secret anymore,
because they couldn't really be
compared to a sexual act.
They were embarrassing in the way it is
when a hillbilly has his way with a cow,
but no more than that.
Tom saw everything.
It pained him, and the sexual visits
were a particularly severe blow.
But he supported her as best he could,
the way a spider supports,
when it has been tangled
in its own web by the wind.