Let tomorrow bring that it's gonna bring.
It's not a crime to doubt yourself, Tom..
but it's wonderful that you don't.
I can't find the rest.
Maybe I should go out
for a couple of minutes.
Take a walk or something...
I don't know.
To get it all out of my system.
Trudge the streets..
Listen to the wind as it passes through
the woods up through the valley
and all that.
You go to sleep, though...
You go to sleep
and I will be back very soon.
[Narrator] Of course it was all a load of nonsense.
If anybody was capable of keeping track
of ideals and reality, he was.
After all, it was his job.
Moral issues were his home ground.
To think that he might doubt his own purity
was really to think very little of him.
Tom was angry.
And in the midst of it all,
he discovered why.
It was not because of he'd been wrongly accused,
but because the charges were true!
His anger consisted of a most unpleasant
feeling of being found out!
It was all quite a blow to the young philosopher!
And realistically enough, he thought
that if the doubt was already present, it could grow.