
[Narrator] Of course it was all a load of nonsense.
If anybody was capable of keeping track
of ideals and reality, he was.

After all, it was his job.
Moral issues were his home ground.

To think that he might doubt his own purity
was really to think very little of him.

Tom was angry.
And in the midst of it all,
he discovered why.

It was not because of he'd been wrongly accused,
but because the charges were true!
His anger consisted of a most unpleasant
feeling of being found out!

It was all quite a blow to the young philosopher!
And realistically enough, he thought
that if the doubt was already present, it could grow.

Perhaps so great that one day it would prove
detrimental to his entire moral mission.

Tom stopped.
He almost began to shake when the threat
to his career as a writer dawned upon him.

It didn't take him long to agree with himself
that the risk was too great to run.

The danger Grace was to the town
she was also to him!

Tom did not like it.
And he was man enough
to take action to prevent it.

Fortunately Tom was as conscientious
as regards his future profession as he was practical.

He allowed sincerity and ideals
plenty of room in his life,

without getting "sentimental" about it,
as he would put it.

Throwing away a document that might be
of significance to Tom and with him future generation
of readers as the basis of a novel or indeed a trilogy,
