You old devil!
If I were younger, you'd
never catch my eye!
-Did you hear what she called me?
Home sweet home!
That's probably the sweetest sound
in the whole language,
after "mother, humanity, family"...
That's because home means
humanity, mother, family.
Home, sweet home...
Good thing you remembered
those words.
I've been thinking the whole time:
I'm going home,
I'm getting near, and I couldn't
really put it into words.
You did it with "home sweet home!"
What a clever guy you are!
Are you happy to be going home?
At least we'll eat well
for a few days.
Hey, I never asked you,
where do you eat in Zagreb?
You can always find some good
places near the agricultural school.
-I'm surrounded by medical clinics.
-Not my fault you're studying medicine!
I don't have any land
or the need to study agriculture.
I'm just the son
of a small provincial tradesman.
Come on! Medicine has
its advantages.
When you finish, you'll be
working in a warm clinic
and I'll be out in the rain,
mud, and snow!
A farmer, just like before!
Besides, if war starts,
farmers will be the first to go.
Not doctors!
Everyone needs doctors!
Don't forget,
I'm not a doctor yet.
But I am a Jew,
and if war breaks out...