You can always find some good
places near the agricultural school.
-I'm surrounded by medical clinics.
-Not my fault you're studying medicine!
I don't have any land
or the need to study agriculture.
I'm just the son
of a small provincial tradesman.
Come on! Medicine has
its advantages.
When you finish, you'll be
working in a warm clinic
and I'll be out in the rain,
mud, and snow!
A farmer, just like before!
Besides, if war starts,
farmers will be the first to go.
Not doctors!
Everyone needs doctors!
Don't forget,
I'm not a doctor yet.
But I am a Jew,
and if war breaks out...
You silly fool, you idiot!
First you scare off my rabbit,
then you start yelling!
-You were shooting just to scare me!
-I could've killed you!
Yeah, you were shooting at a rabbit...
So where's the rabbit?
Dead as a doornail.
Over there in the grass.
Leave me alone, you fool!
I came to tell you
the gendarmes are waiting
for you at your house.
-Waiting specifically for me?
-They're asking if you have a gun!
Yeah, and here it is!
And you'd shoot it
and bring them right to you!
Leave me alone, you lecher!
I'm cold! I have to go home.