Comrade Spanac...
This is the man
I was telling you about.
The late Franz Kirchmeier
told me about you as well.
-You knew him?
-Of course! His late mother was our relative.
-Yes, she died young.
-That brought us even closer.
He grew up in our house.
-Do you smoke?
-No. I don't.
Oh, that's good, very good.
In the Partisans it's easier
to get weapons than cigarettes.
The enemy has weapons,
so we just take them,
but cigarettes are harder to come by.
Sit down.
So what are you going to do?
I've got no choice.
I'm staying with you.
Let me tell you right now
that I expect a lot from you.
Because nobody in Europe has
stood up to Hitler like you did in Zagreb!
-It was spontaneous.
Come on, give me a break.
It was...
The right man at the right time
at the right place,
and the wheel of history moves forward.
-Who's the duty officer at this station?
-Schutz, Lieutenant Colonel.
Then go take care
of your shooting practice.
Top secret...