Who knows? Who knows?
I haven't seen it. We've
only been together 30 years.
If I die first, who's going
to clean him up for burial?
-Who cleans him up now?
-He bathes himself.
He's not crippled, thank God.
All these years I was scared
Iva wouldn't come back.
And now, he's back,
brought me a grandson...
Give your Granny a hug!
Oh, God.
My good, good, Lord!
I'll leave you both of them.
Especially the little one.
You can leave Iva,
but not the boy.
His place is with his mother.
You're welcome here
as long as you're together.
He'd be better off with you. I don't
even know how to give him a bath.
Oh, you'll learn.
From now on, all you'll be
is a mother, believe me.
If you're worth your salt.
You didn't smoke at all
during the war?
I was scared of getting
the habit... and of you!
Yes, one should be afraid
of bad habits.
But with me... the older
I get, the weaker I am.
Toward my own weaknesses.
Thank God age
has taken away my desires.
So I've nothing more to fear.
But why am I afraid of you
if you're so helpless, huh?
I rarely smoked
and then only a little.
But for pleasure.
When you joined the Partisans,
I no longer had a reason to light up.
All these years your mom and I...