Duga mracna noc

Oh, you'll learn.
From now on, all you'll be
is a mother, believe me.

If you're worth your salt.
You didn't smoke at all
during the war?

I was scared of getting
the habit... and of you!

Yes, one should be afraid
of bad habits.

But with me... the older
I get, the weaker I am.

Toward my own weaknesses.
Thank God age
has taken away my desires.

So I've nothing more to fear.
But why am I afraid of you
if you're so helpless, huh?

I rarely smoked
and then only a little.

But for pleasure.
When you joined the Partisans,
I no longer had a reason to light up.

All these years your mom and I...
...we haven't really talked.
We just pressed against each other
like two frozen birds

and languish.
The only thing I remember
during these years was fear.

You caused us great suffering.
I caused myself suffering, dad.
-War is a time of overall suffering.
-War is a time of general insanity.

Lost time.
Two wars in one lifetime!

I ask myself if there was any
point in being born!

My God, how we suffered!
I'll never forget that
I caused you pain.

But it's over, dad.
The worst is over.

I pray to God
it really is over!
