People are telling
all sorts of stories.
It's just like scum
floating on the water.
You know there's
clear water underneath,
but all you see is the scum.
In peacetime I knew
everyone from our area.
And there were some
I never knew existed.
Drunkards, layabouts, bums.
And now they're back, saying
they're going to change everything!
-Time takes its toll.
-Time creates its scum!
I know there are turncoats,
but I'd die if I had to move
from my house,
even if they gave me
a King's palace in return!
Yet these people grab up
other people's property,
saying it's going to be like
Russia, everything shared!
My house, fields, horses,
granary and vineyards,
and some lowlife's bare butt!
Damn it all to hell!
Nobody talks about it,
people only whisper.
And that's what I'm afraid of.
I believe, if you have
faith, then there's no fear.
But if you have a brain,
then you have to be scared.
Listen well...
I'm not asking them
to return anything to me,
Not the two horses
you guys took,
or the two cows
or four pigs,
or even the wheat.
I just want them to never
knock on my door again.
I have one horse left, a cow,
and these two hands.
I'll join no collective,
I ain't the type.
I am stubborn
and I'm my own master.
I'll need some time to put
the property back in order,
but I'm healthy,
I have the desire,
so let them just
leave me in peace!