I'll disappear without a trace.
I should think about escaping.
Then leave a trail. I'll
find you wherever you go.
Can we at least
get inside for starters?
-I'm a bit cold...
-You swine!
-You only think about...
-I sure do!
What a sight for sore eyes!
You always blow in like the wind,
unexpected. Oh, I look a mess again.
You ought to say: look how pretty I am!
Oh, my father was so lucky to find you
-Where is he?
-Out in the barn. He went out early.
-I don't know what's keeping him.
-I'll go to him. Here, take this!
-You didn't have to!
-Just things you don't have here.
Oil, salt, odds and ends. Come on!
Son! I have to tell you something.
His nerves are bad. Every day they're
trying to make him join the collective,
since he's your father.
They cleaned out
the barn, look...
To the last grain of wheat.
They almost beat us,
accused us of hiding the rest!
Son, what is happening?
The worst part is that
the farmers turn away from us,
as though the evil
is coming from our house.
They say, "Our men didn't
make it from the war...
-...there's no one to defend us."
-Calm down, mother.
All evil passes in the end.
There's always sun
after the storm.