You'd better lie down
for awhile, calm down.
Calm down?
Lie down and sleep away
my father's death?
There's something wrong with you.
My poor mom is alone there,
wailing in the darkness.
Bring her here.
You have enough room.
Now when she's got nothing,
bring her in a house taken
from somebody else. From
pillaged into the plundered.
Joka, have you ever had
your own house?
No, I'm a born proletariat.
Mom raised us in a radical spirit, an
advocated critic of everything in existence.
That's how she ended up
in a fascist prison camp.
I am very proud of her.
Luckily for you,
she's no longer alive.
What do you mean?
If she endorsed criticism
of everything in existence,
what she'd have to say
to your secret police major.
He'd string her up
and it wouldn't help her
that her two children were
Partisan fighters.
Since we're on the subject
of the secret police...
-...you had to bring a priest to the funeral?
-It was my father's funeral, not mine.
The dead don't summon priests
to their own funerals.
My mother has the ultimate say regarding
my father's funeral. Don't talk bullshit.
You say respectable peasants
turned their backs on you?
All village reactionaries
were at the funeral.
-That Ustasha Mata, huh?
-Are you interrogating me?
I'm preparing you. The Party
will be asking questions.
The Party equals the secret police?
I'm not answering any of your questions!
I didn't fight so the secret
police could come to power.
Freedom and the secret
police don't go together!
You've usurped power and
struck fear into everyone's heart.
-People are afraid of you, man!
-Only those who have a reason.