- What, are you kidding?
- l am.
- Thinking bean-shaped.
- [grunts]
Expensive. Bean-shaped?
Take a look at my performance chart.
Look at your focus. lt's way up there.
lt's in the yellow.
l'm telling you, you get your focus
even into the orange, just the orange...
l guarantee you can have
a chair like that.
- Really?
- And an office like this.
And a piano-shaped pool
if that's what you want.
lt's all there for you.
All you got to do is focus.
Just work a little bit harder.
You can get bumped up to sandpaper
with me and the world opens up.
You know what, man?
You could really sack out in this thing.
l'm telling you, your numbers
aren't that bad. lt's just focus.
lf you put together everything else, you
got a really strong thing going on...
[breathing heavily]
Nick. Nick!
- l got to get back to work.
- Yeah.
- Good talk.
- Yeah, good talk.
- Remember what l said.
- Focus.
- Just get into orange.
- That's all l need.
Don't even worry about yellow,
just orange.
[whistle blows]
[Nick] Do you ever just watch your hand?
[Tim] No.
l was just looking at my hand today.
lt was like a separate thing.
lt was...
picking up papers.
lt tapped on my desk.
lt sat in my lap.
- lt's like...
- Sorry.
lt's like a...
lt's like a sidekick.
My little ugly sidekick.
lt was very odd.