I could, uh, give you
a ride, if you need.
It's cold.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
It is frosty.
You're not a stalker
or anything, right?
I'm not a stalker.
You're the one that talked to me.
That is the oldest trick
in the stalker book.
There's a stalker book?
I gotta read that one.
Look, I'm sorry if I
came off sorta nutso.
I'm not, really.
Oh, it's okay.
I didn't think you were.
Did you wanna have a drink?
I have lots of drinks,
and I could, um--
Um-- Never mind.
Sorry. That was stupid.
I'm embarrassed now.
No, no, no, no.
Good night, Joel.
Two Blue Ruins.
Thank you.
Drink up, young man.
It'll make
the whole seduction part
less repugnant.
I'm just kidding!
Come on!
You're kinda closed-mouthed,
aren't you?
I'm sorry. It's just,
My life isn't that -
I go to work
I come home.
Don't know what to say.
You should read my journal.