Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

By the time you wake up
in the morning,

All the memories we've targeted
will have withered and disappeared,

As in a dream upon waking.
Is there any risk
of brain damage?

Well, uh, technically speaking,
The procedure is brain damage,

It's on a par with
a night of heavy drinking.

Nothing you'll miss.
What we're doing here, Mr. Barish,
Is actually creating a map of your brain.
Okay, let's get started.
If we want to get
this procedure underway tonight,

we have some work to do.
I want you to react
to these objects, Mr. Barish,

If you will.
There's a good story
behind this one--
Uh, actually, Mr. Barish,

I'll get a much better
emotional readout...
if you refrain from any sort of

Verbal description of the items.
Just try to focus on the memories.
Oh. Sorry. Okay.
Healthy activity up there again.
Healthy readouts.

Very good.
- Here's another object.
That's so--

Next item.
Potato head.
- Next item.
Just focus on the memories.
Patrick, do me a favor.
Hey, Patrick,
do me a favor, will ya?

Can you check the voltage regulator?

What do we got there?
Uh, voltage looks fine.

Well, I'm not wiping
as clean

As I like here.
Check the, uh--
Check the connections, please.

Oh, there you are.

Why am I--
I don't understand
what I'm looking at.

Why am I
Standing here and--
Oh, my God.
Déjà vu.
