Puppet, sir.Only 10 piastres.
They're crap, squirrel.They fall apart before you're out of the door.
Five then, sir.It's handmade!
My sister, she's very, very sick.
I know your sister.She's peddling in the next bar over.
- Do you know my mother?- No.
She's very, very sick.
I'll give you two.
That's a bad idea, you know.
Like feeding pigeons.
- Do I know you?- My name is Semelier.
I work for a private collectorof rare antiquities.
- I cabled you last week.- Yes.
And I didn't answer.
There's been a discoveryin East Africa.
A Christian church, circa 5 A.D.
No, it's not possible.
The Byzantine Empirehad adopted Christianity at that time...
but they never got that far south.
Nevertheless, there it sits.
The British have financeda dig to uncover this church.
We believe a rare object waits inside.
We'd like you to find itand bring it back to us.
So you think I'm a thief?
Now you think I'm a thiefand a whore.
No. Simply a manwho's lost faith...
in everything except himself.
Ah.You know nothing about me.
You're an Oxford-educatedarchaeologist...
an expert in religious icons.
You were a priest before the war.So what happened?
This is a leather impression ofthe artifact we're looking for...
a representationof a mythical demon.