that nothing came out of.
But the question has always been
where did this money come from?
Now his dad was rich.
His dad could have done this for him.
But his dad didn't do this for him.
There's no indication that his daddy
wrote a check to start him off in this company.
So where did George W. Bush get his money?
One person who did invest in him was
James R. Bath.
Bush's good friend James Bath
was hired by the bin Laden family
to manage their money in Texas
and invest in businesses.
And James Bath himself in turn
invested in George W. Bush.
Bush ran Arbusto into the ground,
as he did every other company
he was involved in.
Until finally one of his companies
was bought by Harken Energy.
And they gave him a seat on their board.
A lot of us have suspected through the years that,
that there has been Saudi oil money involved
in all of these companies:
Harken, Spectrum 7, Arbusto Drilling,
all of the Bush companies.
Whenever they got into trouble
there were these angel investors
who flowed money into the companies.
So the question is why would Saudis
with all the oil in the world go around the globe
to invest in this lousy oil company?
And the thing is it had one big asset,
Harken, Harken had one thing going for it
which is that George W. Bush
was on its board of directors
at a time when his father was
President of the United States.
When you're the President's son
and you've got unlimited access
combined with some credentials
from a prior campaign,
in Washington DC people tend to respect that;
I mean, access is power and, uh,
I can find my dad,
talk to him any time of the day.
Yes, it helps to be the Presidents son.