Fahrenheit 9/11

And they gave him a seat on their board.
A lot of us have suspected through the years that,
that there has been Saudi oil money involved
in all of these companies:
Harken, Spectrum 7, Arbusto Drilling,
all of the Bush companies.
Whenever they got into trouble
there were these angel investors
who flowed money into the companies.
So the question is why would Saudis
with all the oil in the world go around the globe
to invest in this lousy oil company?
And the thing is it had one big asset,
Harken, Harken had one thing going for it
which is that George W. Bush
was on its board of directors
at a time when his father was
President of the United States.
When you're the President's son
and you've got unlimited access
combined with some credentials
from a prior campaign,
in Washington DC people tend to respect that;
I mean, access is power and, uh,
I can find my dad,
talk to him any time of the day.
Yes, it helps to be the Presidents son.
Especially when you're being investigated
by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
In 1990 when M. Bush was a director
of Harken Energy he received this memo
from company lawyers warning directors
not to sell stock
if they had unfavorable information
about the company.
One week later
he sold $848,000 worth of Harken stock.
Two months later,
Harken announced losses of
more than $23 million dollars.
The James Baker law partner
who helped Bush beat the wrap rom the SEC
was a man by the name of Robert Jordan
who, when George W became President,
was appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
After the Harken debacle
the friends of Bush's dad
got him a seaton another board
of a company owned by the Carlyle Group.
We wanted to look at which companies
um actually gained from September 11th.
Turned up this company Carlyle Group.
The Carlyle Group is a multinational conglomerate
that invests in heavily government regulated industries
