Fahrenheit 9/11

where bin Laden was for two months.
Two months?
A mass murderer who attacked the United States
was given a two month head start?
Who in their right mind would do that?
Anybody say "nice shot?"
Nice shot.
Hell of a shot.
Or was the war in Afghanistan
really about something else?
Perhaps the answer was in Houston, Texas.
In 1997 while George W. Bush
was Governor of Texas,
a delegation of Taliban leaders from Afghanistan
flew to Houston to meet with Unocal executives
to discuss the building of a pipeline
through Afghanistan bringing natural gas
from the Caspian Sea.
And who got a Caspian Sea drilling contract
the same day Unocal signed the pipeline deal?
A company headed by a man named Dick Cheney:
The point of view of the US government
is this was kind of a magic pipeline, um,
because it could serve so many purposes.
And who else stood to benefit
from the pipeline?
Bush's number one campaign contributor,
Kenneth Lay, and the good people of Enron.
Only the British press covered this trip.
Then in 2001, just 5 1/2 months before 9/11,
the Bush Administration welcomed
a special Taliban envoy to tour the United States
to help improve the image of the Taliban government.
You have imprisoned the women...
It's a horror, let me tell you.
I'm very sorry to your husband;
he might have a very difficult time with you.
Here is the Taliban official
visiting our State Department
to meet with US officials.
Why on Earth did the Bush administration
allow a Taliban leader to visit the United States
knowing that the Taliban were harboring the man
who bombed the USS Cole and our African embassies?
Well, I guess 9/11 put a stop to that.
